Fields - Page 6 - Other and Save

Other Terms

Use this box if you want to add something additional to the agreement.

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, any terms of an agreement must be" fair".

Please use this box with caution, particularly for Wales, because the Renting Homes Act legislation governs most clauses.

If in doubt, please get in touch with us with what you intend to put in this box.

List any permitted occupiers (lodgers)

List all names of permitted occupiers who are NOT TENANTS. 

Delete the word "none" before entering. 

Enter their full name, one name per line. 

This may include children or adults.

Generally, any person 18 years or older occupying the property as their only or principal home should be named a tenant and NOT a permitted occupier.

The exception will be if a family is occupied with their children. In this case, you would ordinarily only name the parents as tenants, and the children (even if 18 years or older) could be named as permitted occupiers if you wish.

Include that the landlord is not liable for repairing the TV aerial.

By default, we include a term that the landlord does not supply a TV aerial and is not liable for repairing it, nor is the landlord liable if the signal changes which requires a new aerial. Select "no" to remove this term (which may mean the landlord is liable for the repair/replacement).

How many people sign for or on behalf of the landlord(s)?

Select the number of people signing as or on behalf of the landlord.

The Builder can handle a maximum of four signatories.

Name of signatory

Enter the name of the person(s) signing the agreement. If an agent is signing, this does not have to be the same as the landlord's name entered earlier.

Email of the signatory

Enter the email(s) of the signatory. This email will not be displayed anywhere on the agreement and is purely used for digital signing later. This can be left blank if you don't intend to use our integrated digital signing.

If an AGENT is signing on behalf of a landlord, insert details

When an agent is signing for a landlord, enter the name and address of the agent. This can be the same or different from the landlord's earlier address.

Agent RSW licence number (Wales only)

If an agent's detail has been entered as explained above, the agent can put their Rent Smart Wales licence number here. The field is optional, and there's no legal requirement to display it on the agreement.


The Builder can insert your logo at the top middle of the front page of an agreement. 

This feature only works with the assured shorthold, assured, occupation contracts and contractual tenancy types.

Choose the select file button and add a file from your computer to add a logo. The file should be in jpg, jpeg or png format.

The easiest way to add a logo is to add it to a new profile. Then when creating a new agreement, select the profile, and the logo will be automatically added.

Profiles also have a testing facility where you can test how the logo will look before producing a new agreement.

When we try to convert, we will skip the logo and insert our own if there's some problem with the logo.

If this field is left blank, we insert a default image logo.

Do you wish to save for later or save and build?

With this final dropdown selection, you can save all the data for later or build the agreement for download.

Save for later

Save for later will do as it sounds on clicking submit. All the inserted data will be saved, and the record will be visible in the tenancies list.

When ready to continue, select" edit" from the actions button in the tenancies list and edit the agreement.

Save and build the agreement

Selecting this option will build the agreement upon clicking submit.

After clicking submit, you will be returned to the tenancies list, and "in progress" will be displayed next to the agreement just created. Once this changes to" completed", you can download the contract, and an email will be sent to the notifications email completed earlier to say it's ready for download.

The agreement ordinarily takes 30 - 40 seconds to complete but can take longer. If there is some problem or delay in building the agreement, an email will be sent to the notifications email entered earlier.

You can click the green" completed" notice or the" download last built" option from the Actions button in the tenancies list to download the agreement.