Blank Agreement

If you want to download a blank agreement to hand-fill in the details later, this is possible with Tenancy Builder 3.

Go to the Builder:

Click on tenancies in the sidebar and" add new" then country from the top right to create a new agreement.

Almost every field in the Builder can be left blank. However, there is some minimum information we need to know to produce the correct agreement with the right number of boxes to fill in and sign.

Page 1 - Tenancy Details

On page 1, you must complete the mandatory fields, namely:

  • Email to send a download link (auto-filled from your account)
  • Tenancy Type
  • Deposit status
  • Occupation date (Wales only)

We need this information as a minimum to determine the type of tenancy you need and what documents to attach by default.

Everything else can be left blank or as default.

Page 2 - Tenant Details

To know how many tenants you have and to insert the correct number of blank spaces, you need to click "add" until the right number of tenants is listed (for example, if there are four tenants, you will need to click "add" 3 times).

Tenant name must be completed and all other fields can be left blank.

Page 6 - Other and Signers

You must select the number of signers.

By selecting the number of signers, even if the name(s) is left blank, we will add the number of signature boxes for the landlord to sign.

Select "save and build agreement", then click submit.

Wait for the agreement to be built, and when you see the green "completed" notice in the tenancies list, you can download the agreement by clicking the green message or selecting "download last built" from the actions button.