Inventory (Schedule of Condition) Template
Our new inventory (schedule of condition) creator is available now in the Tenancy Builder part of the website (click on “inventory” in the sidebar). We have a video showing the processes involved and a quick start guide. There is also additional help alongside the quick start.
As a quick overview, the following would be done:
- Go to Tenancy Builder part of the website and click inventory in sidebar and “add new”
- Insert tenancy address, name of preparer and add rooms.
- Under each room add items (structure, furnishings, appliances) and photos as wanted.
- Allocate a tenancy to the template
- Add an activity to the tenancy. Activity can be check-in, interim or check-out. An activity will generate a PDF of the template in its current state (a snapshot of the template at that time).
- Optionally send the PDF for digital signing.
Where there are multiple activities (e.g. a check in and check out report), these can be compared against each other.
At this time, we are only charging for the digital signing which uses the same as Tenancy Builder, 100 credits. But, we may have to charge based upon amount of photos storage being used in the future (or other calculations).
*A subscription is required to download forms.
Subscribers can download forms, including this one. Click to see the pricing and benefits of subscribing