Controlling Legionellosis

Legionellosis is a collective term for diseases caused by legionella bacteria including the most serious, Legionnaires’ Disease

Related Forms

Legionella Risk Assessment Simple Checklist

When carrying out a legionella risk assessment, it might be useful to have a simple checklist which could be give to a third party (such as gas engineer) to make some basic checks which will help determine the outcome of any risk assessment. This form is a simple checkbox system

Legionella Risk Assessment Paper Form

It is a legal requirement to carry out a risk assessment in relation to the control of legionella in domestic properties.

Tenants Information Leaflet - Control of Legionella

When completing a legionella risk assessment, it will almost always be a part of that assessment that tenants should be given information about the safe control of legionella within their property.

Related Services

Legionella Risk Assessment Template

This template is compatible with iAuditor and is a quick, easy and intuitive legionella risk assessment template that allows a risk assessment to be carried out on mobile.