Applying to Court for Possession — Standard Procedure

Only the landlord or their solicitor can sign the court papers. A common reason for possession claims being rejected by the court is that a letting agent signs them. A letting agent can help the landlord draft the paperwork, but they cannot sign on the landlord’s behalf, and they do not have a right to represent the landlord in court in the landlord’s absence. A landlord who is likely to be absent from the UK will need to instruct a solicitor to commence legal action if they wish to be represented in their absence.

Related Forms

Claim Forms N5 and N119 Plus PCOL

Using the court form wizard, you can download claim forms N5 and N119 (standard procedure) and guidance for completing the possession claim online (PCOL).

Certificate That Rent Statement Part of Business Records

section 9, Civil Evidence Act 1995 which provides that the records of a business (which includes a rent statement) may be given as evidence in court "without further proof"

Application For Leave To Transfer For High Court Enforcement Officer

This is a covering letter that would be sent in with a claim form for possession (N5, N119 or N5B) seeking permission to transfer enforcement if possession is ordered. With this covering letter your still not bound to us the High Court as it would still need transferring.

Related Services

Solicitor – Legal Advice for Landlords

Navigate the ever-changing landlord and tenant laws with our expert advice. We offer a free 10-minute consultation to help you avoid costly mistakes.

Court Form Wizard (England)

Court form wizard finds the best court form for possession after service of section 8 or section 21 notice.